There was something different in the air when I was getting ready for my walk. For one thing there was my bottle of shampoo sitting on the counter along with a pile of towels.
My eyebrows raised upon seeing these items. "Ohhh nooo I thought to myself. It simply can't be bath-time already. Carefully I think back over the recent events here at my humble home. Firstly I'd had a bath exactly 2 weeks before...So this does fall into my winter bath schedule...Ok so that's a given.
Then a light bulb goes off and a feeling of unease replaces my sense of pleasure over going on my morning walk. I let out a little sigh realizing indeed Christmas is almost here as I have now figured out I'll be going to get my Christmas haircut tomorrow."
Going out my back door didn't fill me with the typical sense of adventure it usually brings. I didn't look with eager anticipation for those pesky squirrels that like laughing at me when they climb up the tree before I can catch them. Nopes no happy girl today.
Christmas haircuts are the absolute worst. Any other haircut and I can go out the next day and dig for moles, roll in something smelly; whatever my heart desires as Mom says, "It'll all come off with soap and water". Christmas haircuts mean I have to not play in the dirt, not roll in anything smelly and I must go back to my summertime bath schedule of 1 bath a week until the holidays are over. ~sigh~
Christmas haircuts also mean the dreaded Christmas outfits when guest come over.... I know you my furiends can feel my pain. The cute reindeer outfits (in my honest opinion Huge FAIL), the sweet red Christmas dress (in my opinion bigger FAIL) ..~sigh~
I did go on my walkie today, but pawfuriends I must confess my mind was otherwise occupied on more pressing matters and it simply didn't hold the magic it typically does.
Now that the Christmas Haircut has brought back memories of the REAL meaning of Christmas I Molly say, BAH HUMBUG.
Love, Molly the not in the Christmas Spirit Doxie and my Mom