Yawning as well, Tabby says, "Molly I was sent to our pawrents 21 years ago on a mission from the Big Guy." Molly jumped up with a start as she had always wondered how long Tabby had been with her Mom and Dad. Molly asked, "What do you mean you were sent here on a mission from the Big Guy"?
Tabby replied, "Well, you see sometimes we pets are sent to our families for a specific reason. I was sent to our family because our Mom was about to lose her Mother just one year after she'd lost her Father. Things like that hurt our hoomans pretty badly. Plus there were going to be some other serious things that were going to happen to our pawrents.
Our Heavenly Father knew even though our folks weren't cat people, they were animal people for sure. Seeing a starving, frightened, homeless cat would give them something to think about besides their own pain. Sure enough it did."
Molly looked at her dear old furiend Tabby Cat and said, "Tabby you've never been frightened of anything." Tabby replied, "Molly our Mom and Dad used to have two dogs that were so fierce they'd turn a rattlesnake white". MOL, but that's another story for another day.
It took me about a year to trust our pawrents. They'd put food out for me outside the fence so I wouldn't have to worry about being attacked by their two huge dogs Tipsy and Blue. After a while they made their journey to Rainbow Bridge. No longer needing to worry about being eaten alive by two massive dogs, I slowly began considering the idea of eating my dinner on the back deck of the house.
It was around the this time that I became a bit more trusting of our hoomans, and I met the most lovely Dachshund. Her name was Penny. She and I became the best of furiends. Ours was a love story that would rival Romeo and Juliet. It wasn't long before she and I were inseparable. If Penny and our Mom went on a walk I went on a walk with them. If Penny was outside in the yard, I would show up from whatever adventure I was on just to be by her side. It soon got to where Penny would grow impatient to see me and as just as her foot hit the back deck she'd start barking for me to come and join her. Of course I'd oblige my sweet and bossy girl and run to her side. With a sigh Tabby Cat smiled and seemed lost in his reflections."
We resumed our short walks down to the pond and back home. Afterwards my sweetheart and I would lie in the backyard reminiscing of days gone by.
I was heartbroken at her passing, as were our Mom and Dad. She went to Rainbow Bridge Sept. 5, 2011. She was 13 years and 9 months old. She was my everything.
With a heavy sigh, "Tabby continued, I would wander around inside the house and out, mewing for my Penny. It took me about a month to realize she was gone, and not coming back. I'd still go to where her bed had been and sniff, just to get a whiff of her scent. Our pawrents never thought I'd get over her death.
Molly you know the rest of our story, Tabby said with a smile. Our pawrents and I were simply lost without our Penny bossing us around. Six days after Penny made her journey to RBB, she sent us you to mend our hearts. Mom and Dad found you two days after you were born. One month later you joined us here and life has never been the same. You did a wonderful job healing our hearts and making us all laugh.
I still had one last task to complete before I could join my sweetheart Penny there at Rainbow Bridge. This was going to be a tough one to accomplish, which is why the Big Guy had Penny send you to our family right away.
You see, our Mom was going to become Diabetic as well. Our Father knew it was going to take our Dad, you and myself to help our Mom beat Diabetes.
I knew my time was drawing near when Mom's fasting blood sugar started getting anywhere from 101-105. I had started feeling my age lately and knew we just had to get Mom to stick with it a little longer and try a little harder. I smiled the week Mom started walking 5 miles a day as I knew that was the little push that would put Mom's blood sugar into the normal range and low and behold it did. My final day on earth Mom's fasting blood sugar was 89. Completely normal.
This was my last task The Big Guy had given me and I completed it my last day on earth . It took everything I had but with you and Dad's help and all our prayers she did it. I could be united with my one true love Angel Penny once again.
At 10:35 am I woke up in the most beautiful meadow that somehow reminded me of our meadow there on earth. I was being nuzzled and kissed awake by my sweetheart Angel Penny. She as always was terribly impatient with me and started barking for me to hurry up. She wanted me to meet our Mom's parents, who had been busy preparing a celebration pawty just for me.
You see my dear Molly, heaven and Rainbow Bridge merge into one when our hoomans love animals as much as our folks do. Their family's that have gone onto heaven prepare a place for their hooman family below and all their pets.
We all agree whatever happens with our Mom and Dad you'll have it covered and can get them through it. Just know dear Molly we're all right beside you. We're simply out of sight, and waiting for you, Dad and Mom to join us here on the other side.
RIP Tabby Cat (5-19-1994---5-25-2018)
(We're guessing Tabby was already 3 or 4 years old when he found us, he was with us for 21 years)
Love and Peace,
Dad Molly and our Mom